
FTC May Have Overreached Its Authority

by Darren Moskovitz on July 3, 2024


Darren Moskovitz explains the ongoing legal battle against the FTC's non-compete ban and its potential implications.

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Executive Mobility Could Create Competitive Pressure on Pay

by Darren Moskovitz on July 3, 2024


Darren Moskovitz takes us through historical regulatory impacts and predicts how the recent changes might shape compensation trends.

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Clarification Needed from FTC on Noncompete Restrictions

by Darren Moskovitz on July 3, 2024


Darren Moskovitz delves into the ambiguity of recent FTC regulations.

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FTC Chair’s Impact on Current Policies

by Darren Moskovitz on July 3, 2024


Darren Moskovitz sheds light on Lena Khan's rapid rise to FTC Chair and her bold stance against monopolistic practices.

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Adapting Severance Policies to Meet New Regulatory Challenges

by Darren Moskovitz on July 2, 2024

Podcast Channel

On this episode of The Executive Compensation Podcast, Darren dives into the critical aspects of executive compensation arrangements.

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